Monday, January 3, 2011

Zak does it again

One of the RPG blogs I follow and enjoy reading the content, but not the comments to, is Playing D&D with Porn Stars (yes it is very NSFW, so watch where you read it).
And in the last week or so there have been a bunch of good posts - so I'll try to spread Zak's words.

His take on social interaction, here, suits me perfectly. I've been having this conversation ad nauseum lately and my patience is never my strongest suit for people like that, so I've alot of respect for Zak for handling it so often. And finally, since random charts rock in old school play, here is a wonderful little treasure generator.

While Im not a huge fan of the mechanics he uses for his games, and neither is he from some of the comments he makes, but they work. And a good game with eh mechanics is better than no game with perfect mechanics.

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