Thursday, April 22, 2010

experiments with Simple Green part one

I recently picked up Simple Green, a cleaning product that I've heard nothing but good things about for stripping paint off miniatures. Picking three miniatures that had one too many coats of paint applied (products of pushing my luck changing my mind on what mini will go with what force) and a scrap lump of green stuff to test the product. While I've seen glowing reports of how well Simple Green strips paint, but I've never seen anyone comment on how it treated materials like green stuff and plastic.

*update 1*
I've had some luck with my experiments already. First of all, Simple Green does NOT affect greenstuff or plastic. From what I can tell from the initial minis that were dunked superglue joints that are bare pewter to pewter seem to survive well, while glue joints with any paint or other stuff between the pewter and the glue will come apart fairly easy. Paint starts bubbling off the miniature in around an hour and is almost floating off in sheets after a day. After a day in Simple Green paint just wipes off with napkins or paper towels, leaving just a little paint residue in deep crevices that will easily peel free with a nudge from a toothpick. Before and after pictures will come soon,

*update 2*
My mistake - its actually Simple Green, corrected to show the right name.


  1. Can you post a link to an online place to buy Simply Green? Googling just turns up a billion earth day type sites

  2. How about the website for the manufacturer?
