Monday, April 5, 2010

experiments in white

White is miserable to paint. Its a simple statement and is pretty obvious when you stop to think about the issues of highlighting what is already one of the lightest colors to paint (I'm speaking of paint rather than true color theory). Since I'm rather set on my small detachment of pre-heresy World Eater space marines, with their white with blue trim paint scheme, I'm forced to deal with the issue of painting white. Ill attach pictures as soon as I have some of the current stage of the 5 test pieces.

My plan so far is the following;
1) primer the models in white (a major shift as I usually work from a black base)
2) stain the White with various GW washes
3) apply a thin glaze of Vallejo Foundation White mixed with Vallejo Glaze Medium
4) repeat

That's where I'm at

heres the pictures I mentioned..

Plasma Pistol Front
Plasma Pistol Back

the plasma pistol trooper

Bolter Front
Bolter Back
One of my favorite coversions that really fit the descriptions in the fiction of the World Eaters before they descended into worship of Khorne.

Fist Front
Fist Back
A sergeant packing a powerfist, which I may look into doing light sourcing for the energy field that surrounds the fingers of glove.

Axe front
Axe back
A nice brutal axe, this may be the first mini I paint for the Gladiator company.

Leader front
Leader back
His left knee doesnt look right otherwise I really like how this conversion worked out.

*note* the Photos are all from my Blackberry - works pretty good I think

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