Saturday, May 14, 2011

Campaign questionnairre

While I haven't sat down to clean up, revamp and compose my A2Z blog posts into a single, coherent pdf I have still been pondering a batch of general RPG posts, as I'm getting itchy to run a new campaign. As a result, here's a rough draft of the questionnaire Id want to hand out before planning a campaign.

Campaign Questionnaire
  1. What genre of game do you most want to play? What is the least appealing?
  2. What sort of stories do you want to tell? What sort of motifs would you like included?
  3. What motifs, stories or imagery is off limits or unacceptable?
  4. Whats weird or unique about the setting?
  5. What level of grit/realism do you want? Should combat be Cinematic or Realistic?
  6. If magic (or superpowers or psionics, etc) is available, how rare is it? How powerful?
  7. How powerful should a character be? Are they above average humans, superhero-esque, or something in the middle?
  8. What level of character death is acceptable? Can a mook or minion kill a character on a lucky roll?
  9. How much is the GM allowed to use emotional pushbuttons?
I think I need to reorganize this slightly, but thats why its a rough draft

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