Monday, March 21, 2011

Another quick ponderings post

Interesting read over at Playing DnD with Porn Stars (NSFW in general) about setting books and how little most people read them, which I totally agree with with the exception of Battletech in my case. So Im figuring that each player probably has one setting they will read any and all setting books for, while the rest just get skimmed at best. So if I want to craft my Ideas for Bridgeport (using LoFP) or Bryn Mawr (generic OSR) I need to balance my urge for detail with enough interesting material, predominately gaming material and brief vignettes, to get people to want the material I produce.

So by this logic I need to write down what is almost my GM prep style, minimal info and some game stats - just enough to get the GMs imagination going in new directions.

I think I can do that.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked that post as well. It really made me think. That being said, the settings that I really like (Tekumel, Midnight, etc.) I could read telephone books if they made them for the setting, hehe.

    I did like how the history of the setting could be explained through the items, because I do find the history portions (if they go on forever) to put me to sleep.
